... I'm feeling slightly nervous.
I am this close to a nervous breakdown so I'm trying to give myself some therapy by remembering the times where I wasn't so worried and stressed!

I am not missing the Asahi beer this year, guys!

I kinda miss Nee On and his 'flashing'.

I haven't seen this woman in a long time.

The third wife and the husband... *aih*

Sneaking into Pavilion in the middle of the night XD

Too bad this picture was so blurry or I would've printed it and framed it.

I should print this one.

Incomplete scribbles. I liked it but now I can't find it XD

Purikura.. like 1/20048th of the many that we've taken.

Site visit in KL.. was a fun day.

I loved this exhibition in Singapore. My Mum's OCD kicked in big time while taking this picture so she kept insisting I stand there until she took a better picture.

The three wives... and on other days 'sisters'.. some days we're known as FRIENDS.

The 'family'. :D

More Jogoya pictures. Those were fun, yeah?

A heritage house that my uncle worked on in Papan, Perak. I really loved it and thought he did a very good job on it.

I really won't miss Bon Odori this year. I need my Asahi!!