My fondest memories of being a kid is the hours/days spent in front of my telly playing with the Nintendo gameset.
Tetris, Gradius.. you name it, I used to play it.
Tetris in particular, for my Dad used to play one version and I the other.
I decided to revisit those memories today by downloading the SNES Emulator and the NES Emulator.
So far.. I've played everything else BUT the games I used to play.
FFV was so.. sprite-y.
I've been spoiled by 3D imagery. I've completely forgotten the 8-bit/16-bit/ days.
It's real good. :D
Gundam, Metal Gear, Mario... TEKKEN :D
I feel so happy right now, it's a little unbelievable. This feeling can rival my book shopping after-glow.