Sunday, February 28, 2010


I was watching old episodes of Midsomer Murders (I love it) and came across an episode from Season 3 called "Judgment Day" and decided to watch it (cause I've never seen it)
Starts off as usual.. the same ol' old people cycling around a lovely countryside with lovely scenery.
There's some meeting going on with discussions of a perfect village competition of sorts.
And all of a sudden... wham! ORLANDO BLOOM.
I had to pause, rewind, play and pause to stare before realising that it WAS Orlando Bloom.
Orlando Bloom in the year 2000. Before the he spoke Sindarin/Quenya (Hell if I know) and before he crossed swords with a very hot Johnny Depp.
Wow. It was so random, I couldn't believe it.
He played a thief. A womanising thief. Who ended up hacked to death... with what, if my memory serves right, was a pitchfork.
Gotta love 'em countrysides.
I didn't sit through it though. Gonna wait till I watch it with my Mum...