Saturday, February 06, 2010

Castlevania soundtrack FTW!

This is from Symphony of the Night..
The one where you control Alucard (The flippin' hot one... that comes back as Genya Arikado in Dawn and Aria)

I absolutely LOVE THIS SONG. Repeat after me... LOVE THIS S.O.N.G
Trust me when I say that playing the game makes me NOT notice all the beautiful music composed by Michiru Yamane because I'm so caught up in the game and the intricate castle.
But... now that I'm listening to the soundtrack on its own.. it's VERY good.

Seriously, I strongly suggest listening to Lost Painting (the one above), Prayer, Nocturne, Moonlight Nocturne, Metamorphosis (1-3), Dracula's Castle (which is like a remixed version of the original Castlevania soundtrack), Final Toccata, Requiem for the Gods, Enchanted Banquet and Dance of Pales.
My favourite tracks from the game.

I placed my 'nerd' aside while doing model after model but now that I'm free-er than before.. it is coming back full force.
Games, here I come! XD