Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I cheered up today

Because SJ and I went splurging on books again.
And that always cheers me up.
Kinokuniya is having this amazing line-up of gothic novels as their choice books.
We didn't know where to stop.
Then, we went to Amcorp Mall and visited the cheap bookstore and spent quite some time there.

The other thing is, I realised that no matter what happens tomorrow or in the near or distant future, I will see them all end of this year. No matter what.

I was teaching SJ how to download and work the emulators.
So I was saying "I haven't figured out how to work the PS2 emulator completely. I'm only halfway done" (To people wondering what's taking me so long, my computer is quite screwed up in a unique sense)
She said "You're such a geek"
It's not just my siblings.

I always forget to mention my weekly games with my guitar teacher's 7 year old boy.
As much as he has kicked me in the shins/hit me with his plastic toys/locked me out of the house/shoots at me with finger guns/etc... he is quite something.
The other day, he refused to let me in because I was an 'enemy'.
I asked him, "Which side are you on?" <- just to confuse him
He was a little dumbfounded and then he decided to compromise.
He said "Fine. I'll let you in if you tell me the password"
I replied, "Any chance of getting a hint?"
He said "It starts with S"
I said "Open Sesame!" (I know. It does not start with S but I knew what I was doing because it is ALWAYS 'Open sesame")
He squinted at me and then said "I'm still NOT letting you in!"
I said "Your mummy is waiting for me. You don't want your mummy to get angry, right?"
He said "No"
So I said "Let me in now and tomorrow, you can lock me out"
He said "OKAY!" and let me in.
He didn't realise that I didn't have class the next day.
And believe me, this ALWAYS happens.
I used to be Mr. CheChe.. and then I was T-Rex at one point and on other days, I'm just 'an enemy'.
At one point, the password started with a "T".. I knew it was Transformers so I said so.
He said "How'd you know?"
I said "Cause I am smart!"
He said "I'm still not letting you in!"
I said "If you can spell Transformers, I will go away"
He couldn't. Ha!
The only time he has ever been in awe at me was when I helped him fix his computer problems.
He was so upset because no matter how much he pressed the button it won't come on.
So I bent over the CPU and switched on the main switch and pressed the button.
He was so amazed so I told him that I have magic. He was much younger and really believed me. My Lord!