Tuesday, February 02, 2010

I miss...

... the days of Friendster. (sarcasm overload, mind you)
When your e-mail address is for the world to discover and random people add you on MSN.
To which, if you are kind enough, you accept and start a-talking.
Afterwhich they pop the ultimate question and quite frankly, the main point of adding... - "will u drop me a testis on frenster??!!".
I don't have nether regions bulbous enough to drop balls on your virtual prostitution~
And what about those that are less whore-ish and compromise with a simple bartering system. I write you one, you write me one.. we both whore ourselves out! XD

In other sides of my brain...
Today was tutorial for prototype.
Quite frankly, I had a system going that I did not see anywhere else.
I was inspired by furniture by established designers.
I had it all figured out.
I explained myself with eloquence rivaled only by Shakespeare (I jest) and YET.. the ultimate feedback was - "I cannot imagine"... that's like asking a worm to imagine its dinner.. and I think it can do that!
Watch my tears flow <- *deadpan*
Second! - The form is too simple.. I want more.
Someone needs to re-drill the sentence "LESS IS MORE" into everybody.
My motto is? More is a whore. (More 'testis', for example)

You know you've hit ultimate (in)sanity when you spend hours watching Pingu on YouTube.
And it pisses you off. (Pingu... not the watching)

Watched the Grammy Awards last night.
I'll confess, the only reason why I watched it was because Bon Jovi was gonna perform and even that, I felt the performance for Livin' On A Prayer was a not as good as I wanted it to be but I know why it wasn't good for me and one of the reasons was because there was that girl.
And then we had a little blonde girl who I felt was just struggling to hit some notes and was quite honestly painful to watch.
Winning all that awards and yet, sang a little off key?
Apparently, all it takes these days is to be cute, young, write your own songs and act like 'nobody likes me oh my gosh I can't believe I won this' at every award ceremony.
Halfway through, and I'm not over-dramatising anything here, the family literally got up and just walked away from the TV screen.
It was mediocre.. at best.
Next year they should get Dita Von Teese to do her powder puff routine. That would be even more entertaining albeit irrelevant.