Hyakujitsu no Bara Ch16!!!!! :D :D :D
Downloaded, unzipped and read.
Yay!... but one heck of a cliffhanger.. damn these cliffhangers.
Everybody already knows how I love to zen myself out with Kitaro right?
In fact, as I was recalling yesterday, I got so zen once it was more stoned than anything else.
So I dug into my folders of Kitaro's music and discovered long forgotten favourites (the ones that stoned me).
Dawn in Malaysia and Heaven and Earth are works of a genius.
Dawn in Malaysia, I think, is quite unknown because it was his earliest of works but I reckon Heaven and Earth is quite known.
(Random fact: I read somewhere that the name 'Kitaro' came from GeGeGe no Kitaro?)
The video is kinda weirded out but the music isn't.
He came to Malaysia a few years ago.. I was so excited I was going on and on about it to my Mum and THEN... ticket prices killed me.