Yesterday was the interim crit for our sectional/prototype/detail part of our project class.
I slaved away for an entire week rushing to finish a model that my tutor said I 'won't have enough time to finish' and that it'll be 'incomplete work' and as a result of that I 'will definitely fail and come back next year'.
After having said that, I took it NOT as an insult but as her lame attempt at reverse psychology and psyched myself into believing that this is a do or die situation.
So I worked very hard.
I work hard most of the times and somehow I always get shot down.
I arrived for presentation in time and was all prepared for put-downs, let-downs, insults, harsh criticism and etc. I literally girded my loins, no joke.
I sat talking to my group mates for abit before SeohHun arrives and says "Confirm, Ms. H"
That meant they switched the tutor and all of us got a different tutor to present to.
I think the joy was pretty obvious as everybody was prepared for bad comments.
I was the fifth to present and although, I have much to improve on, it made my day when she said that she likes the mood of my space.
Why? Because I worked really hard at trying to show that mood.
I did and re-did my ceiling 3 times to get the lighting right.
I felt so happy after that, I didn't even bother sleeping.
And then I fell asleep in Japanese class.. thankfully, unlike my previous sensei, he didn't go "LYDIA-SAN OKITEKUDASAI! HAHAHA!". Phew.
But he did say something to which my sharp brain (that I try so hard to keep in control in class) responded to.
He mentioned something about Monash students being really smart.
Then he says "Ah, Lydia-san wa KBU desu ne?" (Ah, Lydia goes to KBU right?)
I say "Hai, demo watashi no atama mo ii desu yo" (Yes but I'm also smart)
Somehow, someway, everybody found it funny and it sent them into stitches of quivering laughter for a bit.
In Malay, one would refer to me as "Terasa"
I baked my strawberry shortcake. I kinda failed at the whipping cream part (as I always do) but overall, it looks quite nice :D
Then I took a VERY cold bath and I'm currently blogging with a rose and pine mask (that I bought along with my strawberries this afternoon) on my face under the air conditioner. Who agrees that Malaysia's weather is another fine example of Mother Nature taking revenge on us for wrecking her baby Earth?