This is the next movie that I will definitely see in 3D!!!!
Lightcycles, FTW!
I hope Disney doesn't f**k this one up like they have been doing with the rest of their shit.
(Already I'm reading of more planned sequels, a TV show etc etc.. obviously, Disney plans on doing what they did for all their Hannah Montana, High School Musical bullshit... milk the cow till the cow is dead and even then, see what you can get from the corpse)
Lightcycles, FTW!
I hope Disney doesn't f**k this one up like they have been doing with the rest of their shit.
(Already I'm reading of more planned sequels, a TV show etc etc.. obviously, Disney plans on doing what they did for all their Hannah Montana, High School Musical bullshit... milk the cow till the cow is dead and even then, see what you can get from the corpse)
I am sick.
Sore throat = check
Sore throat = check
Flu = check
Assignment rush = check
Mood swings = CHECK