Sunday, October 31, 2010

Rye-bread + Evill + SJ = Loons on crack

Got a phone call at 12PM today.
For some reason, I completely overslept my alarm clock.
It was Rye-bread.
"Are you still ASLEEP!?"
"urk.. Yeah?"
"SJ's coming to get me already"
They arrived about two hours later.
We went to Kinokuniya where I picked up Are You Alice Vol.1 and 2 along with Togainu no Chi Vol.1.
The joy of holding books in your hand surpasses all forms of material joy.
I also decided to throw the Lamento artbook into reservation.
Rye-bread discovered Trinity Blood (published by CY) and bought 5 volumes. That is hardcore.
SJ FINALLY got her Junjou Romantica Vol.13 and Kuroshitsuji.
Then, we travelled to 1Utama where I popped in on Nut working.
She's currently holding the job I had in 2007.
After that, we settled into Zanmai Sushi where we ate and looned more.
Then Rye-bread bought a deck of Monopoly cards while SJ was buying another book.
We returned home and while transferring all the wanted files into each other's drives, we played the Monopoly game which turned out to be more fun than expected.
We were screaming at each other.
Like, REALLY screaming. If we were the rough, tough, rumble and tumble type, we would have gotten into physical fights (in a good, fun way) over the damn action cards that allowed players to steal WHOLE sets of property, force swap property or steal any property.
One of SJ's action cards said that she can demand money from all players.
She thought it was just one player so she turned to me and said "2 million, BITCH!~"
Then she decided to re-read the damn card and said "Oh, I mean, bitches"
Yes. We weren't only screaming at each other but were cursing as well.
That is how we roll as business people!

Anyway, it was a fun day.
I enjoyed it lots!!