Wednesday, October 13, 2010

When there is three daughters..

Growing up as the youngest of three sisters, I've always known that there is a stark difference between all of us.
The oldest is practical, sensible, smart and always able to think with rationale. Generous, forgiving but occasionally stern.. (and scary).
The second one, mischievious, cheeky, a little too active with a mind that should probably calm the heck down. Bosses the younger one and constantly argues with the older one.
The last one... is probably just a weird little lump of flesh that has the God-given ability to piss everybody else off. Thoughts are not quite discernable with the mental ability to wander without moving the body.

The relationship that I share with them both differ.

For example, while swimming, I slipped and scraped my knee on some sand that was in the pool. I got out and it started to bleed so I was upset and refused to go back in because it hurt. My oldest sister got out and put a plaster on me. A green plaster with ducks on it. It was her only one and she was just showing it to me telling me how cute she found it. And I cheered up. And she did it to cheer me up because she knew I liked ducks.
Compare that to... my second sister.
When she told me I could fly.
And after I cracked my skull open and was parading around with stitches on my forehead... she said "I can see your brains coming out".


I always thought it was just us that were this way.
But no.
Looking at shows with three young girls, that is usually how they are portrayed.
The second one terrorises the youngest and the oldest is more mature.

But that doesn't mean that the oldest is a complete and total saint.
Till now, my oldest sister still laughs at me for freaking out over my phone ringing after watching a horror movie.
And it also doesn't mean that the second is a total and complete demon.
She's the one who acknowledges Ivan's different mood swings despite the fact that she can't see it.

But I do wonder, sometimes, why is it that that is the typical depiction of three sisters?