Sunday, January 30, 2011

Ever feel like you've had enough?

... Yes.

I'm honestly glad I have work to get my mind off things.

It's the 30th of January. I have been working for... a month, almost.
It's been tiring but strangely, fun.
The part I like best about my job is, it's not a desk job.
I don't sit around behind a desk, under the air conditioning from 9 to 5.
I don't sit in front of the computer.
And best of all, I don't have to deal with colleagues all day.

However, I do have to deal with annoying people who don't understand words.
I'm not the type to waste time telling you what to do when I know I can do it and handle it by myself.
Unfortunately, some of the waiters that I've met are irritatingly nosy, intrusive, obstructive and stupid.
I'm sorry.
When I have to do something within a certain time, I get annoyed when stupid people get in my way. I understand that they may be trying to help and I honestly appreciate it.
But when I say I can do it myself, I mean it.

Today, I've been feeling melancholic.
Not sure why.
I'm not angry, I'm not happy, I'm not irritated.
I just feel like crap.
I want to tell someone (Ivan) how I feel but I don't even know how I feel.
Perhaps, I do.
Perhaps, I just want to deny it.
Therefore, I am unconsciously making myself forget the real reason why.

Either that or I am actually bored because it's my offday.

If that is true, then my sensei was correct in labeling me a はたらきばち (hatarakibachi - working bee)
Either way, I'm not in top condition now.

I think its about time I cut my hair. I'm bored.