Friday, October 05, 2012

The window on my right.

The area in which my computer is located is on the halved floor of my two and a half floor house.
It is located in the common area next to a window. My spot is jammed against the wall and against the window. An arm's length away from me are french windows.

When I'm doing things on my computer, work or play, and I find my brains blocked, I always look out the window.
When merely looking out does not work, I open the window, stick my head out and voice aloud my observations about everything I see - the pile of rubble that used to be a house on the big piece of land next to my house, the German Shepherd (my dog, actually) in my garden (which was originally a neighbourhood garden but my Dad fenced it up for himself), the cars that whizz by on the elevated road located next to the ruined compound. Sometimes, I see random flowers that I've never noticed before growing in the garden and say aloud, "When did you arrive here?"

I just did it about 3 minutes before writing this and it has never occurred to me how silly I must look. In my kaftan and everything.

But being silly, looking silly and sometimes behaving silly seems to be the bane of my existence.
High levels of self-awareness does not help get rid of it.