Friday, February 12, 2010

... and I'm caught in it

In the recent months, I've felt like I'm in a loop that sometimes, does not even make the full circle and I'm caught in it with no exit doors in sight.
Try as I might, as hard as I can.. I just can't seem to shake it off.
It is frustrating and I'm trying VERY hard to just seem normal and not scream or throw a fit.
I wish I was the type to be open about my emotions.
I wish I could just tell a fish how I feel.
I wish I could even tell Ivan.
But I can't.
Someone once said that it's a good thing that no matter how stressed or sad I am, I don't show it.
I don't think so. It's not a good thing. It's a good thing for people around me because I don't burden them with my problems but it's not good for me at all.
Honestly, if I had nothing to live for, you would've found me hanging by a noose.
And this is not something I'm just saying for fun.

If only I could see a silver lining or even a light at the end of this tunnel.

I need to release the dam but there are people around.

I've run out of happy for the day.