Friday, February 12, 2010

A pretty depressing night.. depending on what your definition of depressing is

A suicide and assignments pretty much add up to it.

Earlier, Nut tweeted me asking me if I know anything about Alexander McQueen dying.
No. Not a hoax. Not at all.
News say he commited suicide. At the age of 40. Isn't it fashion week? He's supposed to be showing, not dying.
The sadness has yet to settle in. Now, it's really just shock. Pure shock.
What is with this year? Why're people mass-dying this year?
If I was any sort of paranoid evolved-primate, I'd swear the end of the world is near.

Then, I have my meeting with Ms. Huwi tomorrow before the holidays and I'm trying to complete the interior planning. I haven't yet fitted it into the floors yet.
That is depressing shit.

To top it all of, I got the sudden urge to re-watch Zetsuai and Bronze.
Do it with me now, all -> D:
Yes, the tears are threatening to work overtime.
Sometimes, I wish they'd go on strike.

The only thing left to cheer my night up is my perverted self staring at any picture of Toshiya.

Tomorrow, I made an appointment to FINALLY cut my damn hair.
Any longer and I'll look like the banshee incarnate.
I wonder what I'll do with it though.
It's not stressful... my work is!