Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Another long-ass (wee) early morning obsessive rant.

If you have read more than a day's post on this blog, you will immediately recognise the name of the man I'm gonna be blogging about...


Yes, Rye-chan. It's HIM again.

And he is hot.

I was looking at all the Final Fantasy pictures I have collected over.. how many years?
There are alot.
And I noticed how Sephiroth has changed, appearance-wise, since the initial sketch

Vampire Hunter D sans hat, anybody? Regardless, that's an ass, right there. Yup.
Then they turned the black and white into the polygonish character.
THANK GOD, I have the non-polygon picture.
Those polygon hands kill me. Sometimes. However, he was a hot polygon.
And then.. so many years after playing the game, they announced they will be making a MOVIE.. :D and it'll be the sequel.
Weeks of speculation -
"Who's the wheelchair guy?"
"Who's that silver haired guy? Is it SEPHIROTHOHMYGODYAY!"
"NO the wheelchair guy could be SEPHIROTHYAYHE'SALIVE"
"There will be no Sephiroth, he DIED remember?! Idiots"
"There are THREE SILVER HAIRED MEN :O WHAT THE *censored by filters*"
-and nobody could guess what was going on in the teasers.. despite the fact that there were so many teasers/trailers/whatever it was.
The movie was finally released and all that was said about Sephiroth post-release was-

I do remember sitting in front of the computer with my sisters and brother and the moment Cloud smashed into Kadaj (clashed swords, rather) and Sephiroth and sword appeared, he said "Hisashiburi da ne, Cloud" (Yes, Rye-chan.. those are verbal pornography for me) I flung my arms into the air, did a little victory dance, screamed a little, squealed, squeaked and then I replayed the scene, and repeated the actions.
By the time I asked to replay the scene for the 6th time (or so), they were already trying to push me away.
5 minutes after the movie ended.. I came here to post my joy.. and I particularly recall saying "JUST WATCHED FINAL FANTASY 7 ADVENT CHILDREN I CAN DIE HAPPY NOW". Now I will explain, I could've died happily because SquareEnix made an already perfect character even MORE perfect.
Sephiroth in FF7AC is perfection personified.
And since I have an arms fetish (don't ask, seriously, don't ask).. I always imagine his arms under that black cape....
If I was in a manga, I'd put the back of my hand to my forehead delicately, the other hand to my chest, close my eyes, lean back a little to the side and say "Aah~♥" at the thought of those arms.
*sentence deleted due to extreme perversion*
I forgot.. I was supposed to start being a little less vulgar.

There isn't enough words in the English language to describe/define the genius that IS Queen.
My all-time favourite lyrics/part of a song/excerpt from a song comes from Bohemian Rhapsody.
No, not the famous "Mama" part.. but the epicness that is the middle.

I see a little silhouett(o) of a man
Scaramouch, Scaramouch, will you do the Fandango
Thunderbolt and lightning, very, very frightening me
(Galileo) Galileo (Galileo) Galileo, Galileo Figaro
I'm just a poor boy nobody loves me
He's just a poor boy from a poor family
Spare him his life from this monstrosity

Easy come, easy go, will you let me go?
Bismillah! No, we will not let you go
Let him go
Bismillah! We will not let you go
Let him go
Bismillah! We will not let you go
Let me go (Will not let you go)
Let me go (Will not let you go) (Never, never, never, never)
Let me go, o, o, o, o
No, no, no, no, no, no, no
(Oh mama mia, mama mia) Mama Mia, let me go
Beelzebub has the devil put aside for me, for me, for me!

First time I heard this part I was so amazed by it.
3:05 - 4:05

But of course, surely, everybody knows this song :D
I burst into song everytime I hear the "thunderbolt and lightning" part. It is fun!