Tuesday, February 09, 2010

So cute.. I want to shoot myself!

Went out with Masayo-chan today.
What was supposed to be a 2PM meet-time became 3PM.
Because I couldn't wake up.
We went to KLCC. Sat in Dome and came home.
Seriously. I don't know why.

The other day, I was telling SJ about Masayo and I and certain things and she said the most traumatising thing... "You sound like a mother".
*think of The Scream"
Then today.. I realised.. I do sound like one.
"Pants up"
"Watch where you're walking"
"What do you mean you don't dare call them? You've worked your hours.. you are entitled to your money.. here's what you say..."
Etc. Etc.
I feel aged.

Just now, my hand felt slightly itchy so I sketched. I initially told myself.. or my other me..
"I will sketch a fat rat on its back"
And then, it became..
"I will sketch a fat rabbit on its back"
And I sketched away only to find that my bloody bunny looks like Ivan.
So I said "It bloody hell looks like Ivan".
Ivan got mad and is still mad at me.
He looks angry.

Rewatched Antique Bakery (I discovered that it's just called Antique).
Damn. Fish and birds! Jean-Baptiste is hot (forgive the name).
HE IS HOT. And him grabbing ass is strangely hot as well.
No matter how hard I try.. Korean sounds like one long, big word to me. Punctuation is like.. non-existant within a sentence.
Wakaranai wakaranai.

At the risk of sounding like a bloody alcoholic (which I may become if I don't watch it)