Sunday, February 07, 2010

Thought I'd write about this because...

... I just told my Mum over dinner that my dream house is either a studio apartment (or a loft.. :D) or a really large-scale medieval stone castle. [No, I don't suffer from an acute case of megalomania since I'd very well settle for a small studio apartment.. but world conquering is a different question altogether XD]
No, none of that Versailles pomp and splendour.
Okay, I made an exception for Neuschwanstein Castle.. because you know how much I talk about that damn castle.. and I do believe there is some pomp involved in that castle and okay, so it's not medieval. And not stone. But I like stone too.. like Blarney, for a famous example.
Heck, considering it was a result of a King Ludwig II crazy.. I like it.
Perhaps I like this king a little too much. There is so much to like. The craziness. The fact that he may have had a thing for Wagner (or so I've been told.. but who doesn't have a thing for Wagner? I do.). The fact that my head is made up of crazy imaginations as well and if given the power.. will probably end up like him.
Also the fact that I may have fallen in love just reading about him.
When I first laid eyes on that castle.. I sat here for a good few minutes just gazing at it.
(Good photography is also good motivation)

(This is like what.. the fifth picture of the castle that I've put up? Or the second?)
And anyway, what's wrong with wanting to live in a castle?
My Mum was all "What in the world are you talking about?" and looked as if she was seriously contemplating the sanity of my being.
Yes, I'm sane.
Have you seen those medieval castles in the UK.. the ones that looked like some mountain creatively threw up some rock (or perhaps they just fell victim to years of neglect)? Or the ones that looked like a flying dinosaur crash landed and took out the top half?
Lemme live in it and I'll keep 'em in shape.
World Domination
If I do get to go visit my dream house one day.. they might need a team of armed personnel to get me out or they may stop me at the door because participating in a day tour with my suitcases in tow might just raise suspicion.

Maybe this is why I am able to stay home all day and do nothing.
My mind just dreams up all these random things to keep me entertained.
In just one week.. my parents has not failed to ask me every single day whether everything was alright up there or whether I was feeling fine.
It wouldn't be wrong if I were to say that in every way, I live in my head.
Typical peculiar behaviour : Talking to myself.
I don't mean when I'm talking to Ivan either.
I have experienced sitting doing nothing and having an entire one-sided conversation.
It entertains me and so I entertain the peculiar workings of my mind.
You have no idea.. it's getting harder trying to keep these peculiarities in check whenever I'm out. It's getting harder trying to keep my brain in check at home too.. as I get this feeling a couple of people are getting on my case D:
I like it though.. :D As a kid, people go 'Aww. She has a good imagination!'. As an adult, people go 'Shit. She's gone mad. What have we done wrong?'. XD

Oh, the long, large, stretched.. whatever black thing that attacked me in the rabbit forest of my dream..
Remember him/her/it/that thing?
It's a dragon-like creature! With purple eyes and an orange pupil.. skin smooth like a scaled fish (dark gray/black and kinda metallicky).. and walks on two legs.. I think I saw folded wings but the weird part is it's head cause it seemed almost human.
Seemed friendlier today than before too.
I saw it before waking up today. Somehow, my dream-me just knew it was the same thing so I'm gonna believe that me.
I woke up and went "Oh" now I'm wondering if it's the protector of the forest or some crap like that. :D
I can't wait to sleep tonight. Hopefully, I see the follow up!

I was playing the Super Mario Bros. theme on the piano today and made people laugh.
Now, I wonder.. were they laughing at my playing, me in general or the song?
Then I played a couple of Castlevania tunes. Damn. Those were harder to sight read.

Just now in the kitchen my sister said "You know how people always say God is forgiving and all that?"
And I brilliantly say "But he isn-IS"
Little did I realise.. my grandma was standing around. Oops. My Mum looked at me and gave me the "LOOK before talking'-look.
Truth be told, I'm a little apprehensive about the 'forgiving' part after re-reading the old testament.