Saturday, February 20, 2010

Yesterday night, it dawned upon me that Michelle is leaving on Sunday.
So, today, despite the quick sand that is my ass-ignments, I met her for a quick drink.
We never got around to partying this time but we promised the next time she comes back (end of the year), we will do what we planned to do then.

I am so sleepy.
I can barely keep my eyes open.
Took a 20 minute nap just now.

While taking a break from work, I tried re-arranging my bookshelf.
It's not working out. I need to clean out another unused shelf to store my books. There's too many.
I literally went "Bah!" and continued my work.

When doing 3D... windows are a bitch.

Re-watched the entire second season of Ugly Betty in a day and a night (no sleep while doing work).. Oh, hilarity.

Ever been so stressed that you feel like throwing up?