Saturday, November 06, 2010

Last night was our weekly sessions in places with food.
Less people are coming and last night was considerably quieter with a lot more phone touching (oo-er).

So, I returned home around 12.
After doing the normal things one does when one arrives home, I sit at my computer and proceed with whatever it is I was doing before I went out.
My brother comes up and says "Again, you know?"
I go "Huh"
But inwardly, I was thinking...
No, seriously.
You'd think they'd have enough by now but apparently, no.

So I choose to ignore it and watch Kuroshitsuji (1) and I realised.. that anime is so full of crack.
Even fuller of crack then I was led to believe.
Why does the dog have NO CLOTHES ON?
It's so obscene.
And the dog licking Sebby in admiration.. is just the manifestation of the authors' yaoi-mind.
Once you've read yaoi manga, you'll never be able to think normal again.