@yukirye hmmm ok... :D i'm loving 07-ghost so far. i might be liking frau(??) more than ayanami NOO
@twixt_arcana haha Frau is funnyyy But I love Ayanami more. U can take Frau, I'll take Ayanami. =D
@yukirye no no!! i only think i like frau more bcuz they have been depriving me off ayanami!! he doesn't show up enough! (yet)
@twixt_arcana HAHAHA even in Manga also la. Sad right... I dun mind for some Ayanami x Teito. Young Teito is uber cute!
@yukirye ayanami x teito... *repeats it a few times in head*... YES! :D
@twixt_arcana HAHAHAHAH I like some Hakuren x Teito tooooXD
@yukirye basically... the manlier ones x teito la (i haven't seen hakuren yet) mine is ayanami x anyone. :D another super seme in the making
@twixt_arcana LOL. Check out aarin for fanarts yeah. Don't u think that Mikage reincarnation is so cute?XD
@yukirye D: i haven't watched that far yet!!!! MIKAGE DIES?!?!?!?!?!?!? T________T why do u do this to me??
@twixt_arcana *gasps* I'm sorry.
Lol. It reminded me of the time in Moral class...
(wait, backstory)... Okay, Ryebread did her A-Levels in the same college that I did my foundation in art.. and my degree too actually.
So, for the LAN subjects, they kinda piled in all the students from the different schools and faculties together so she was in my Moral class as well (end backstory).
During one of those Moral classes, while I was talking to her before the teacher came in, I mentioned Godchild and how I was seriously lacking in books 5 onwards. Then she said she thinks there's only 6 books (or was it 8? Not quite sure)..
[Beware: Potential spoiler]
And I said "Oh? So its going to end soon?"
And she said "Yeah.."
And I said "I wonder how it ends"
She said "Huh? Cain dies, I think"
And I proceeded to strangle her.
Cain, is the main character.
[If you read on and I spoiled it for you, sorry. But I warned]
I also like the fact that all the people I talk to now (those that I've known from school not college) are all really old friends.
People that I knew as a small kid, drifted apart as we grew older and somehow, someway we kinda reconnected towards the end of our school life.
Nut, I was only REALLY close to her Std1-2, F2-3 and then in college for those few years.
I knew SJ in Std4, was close to her for two freaking days in Std6 and then in F2 we became really close until now.
Everybody knows these stories already but probably do not know much about Ryebread.
I became friends with Ryebread towards the end of Std2. We then bonded over our shared loved of Sailormoon and I distinctly remember us playing with paperdolls during class only to get them confiscated. It was Ryebread that ignited my love for sketching people when she taught me how to draw one of the characters (Before that I loved sketching Doraemon and mice, note, I was 8 years old).
But as fate would have it, we fell in with different groups and never really spoke much after and there might have been moments of confused animosity (Although, I do not recall any such occasions but like I said "confused").
See, I was always awkward around people in school and people mistook that as intentional bitchiness and I admit, I decided it was easier to let them think so than to correct them. Even if it was people that I know and were close to before, I never knew what to say or what to do and it felt awkward for me to smile and wave so I never did.
[Sometimes, I find that I'm still kind of the same although I worked really hard at changing that part of me but I guess it's impossible to change who I am completely]
When she entered the same class as SJ, that's when we really started talking again.
And guess what?
It was still anime and manga that made us talk.
It was also all those subjects I used to skip in school (Maths, Economics, Accounts etc.) that caused me to inadvertently end up in their class and thus, end up in conversation with all of them.
In many ways, I'm happy that I'm still in touch with these few friends because among all of the people I got to know in school, these are the ones who were probably the least problematic of the lot.