Sunday, October 16, 2011


I don't blog much these days.
That is an understatement in the true-est meaning of the word.
However, I have crawled out of my self-dug hole in this blog-o-sphere to expand upon Claire's recent blog post and all the sweet things she said about us.
(She called me fickle, bossy and talkative and still I say it's sweet because she also called me her Wikipedia.. Hopefully without all the false information)

I never realised just how much I relied on them all for my sanity until a few weeks ago when I stumbled into really bad bumps on my proverbial work road.

But I'm getting ahead of myself... As I so often do.

It started, as Claire mentioned, when she was unhappy with work.
It was a simple tweet of "Let's meet up"
And we did.
She ranted and we joked and we laughed over drinks.
After that session of mindless chit chat, we said "We should make this a weekly thing".
However, the members of this weekly happening kept changing and waning.
I cannot pin point when exactly the current group became the core group because as with all good things, it was never planned.

The second time another of us was unhappy with life, Mike sent out a tweet saying "YL is upset. Let's meet him".. Thanks to the power that is Twitter, within minutes I was out of the house and surprising YL at Starbucks and minutes later, Claire was there and just as soon as she was settled, Mike appeared and then we bugged YL to spill his problems.
Personally, I'd like to think we cheered him up that night for he smiled a lot more towards the end.

And that's the thing about our sessions that I enjoy.. the fact that it's just a group of people getting together to make one or each other feel better about something or another.
I was always happy just being there for them.

Then, September came.
And for some reason, life at work became hard.
Maybe I had enough of it or maybe the people didn't like me.
I would probably never figure out why and I don't think I want to.
I'm not the easiest person to be with and through my almost-23 years of life, I have learned to accept it. I'm not a like-able person but there are people who love me for who I am and so I wouldn't change just to fit in.
It all happened one fine day when I had a brilliant string of bad luck followed by what shall henceforth be known as My Worst Phone Conversation Ever.
I tweeted Mike, Jasmine and Claire about meeting up that night because I needed some group therapy (YL does not have Twitter, I need to see to this)
We met, we ate Hokkien Mee, I imbibed and I complained.
And the moment I was done complaining, I felt so much better, words cannot begin to describe (for I am not the best writer and user of words)..

So here's what I love about the people that I meet weekly...
Their individual quirks and characteristics are always what lifts a down person's spirits up.
(And I'm doing this to reciprocate Claire's kindness on her blog)

Claire: The one with the wittiest retorts and sarcasm. So witty that it never offends but always amuses and lifts my spirits. Always says I'm bossy/fickle but somehow never literally stuffs the shoe down my throat... though, I'm assuming if I don't watch my back, you might.. soon. I love you for always listening to me talk about whatever random thing that is on my mind although you make it very clear that you aren't interested/have no idea what I'm talking about. You suck it up like a boss!

Jasmine: I'll always find our friendship to be unique and that's what I like about it. I don't remember being particularly close to you in college. I think we can thank Twitter for getting us closer together for I got to know you over random tweets and my random responses. You appear to be the embodiment of everything that I am not and that's what I love. Don't go back to Singapore.

Mike: The first person in my life who has made me feel like I have acquired useful knowledge. I spent my life reading every single thing from encyclopedias to newspaper clippings I find lying around on the road and all people have ever told me about it is that I am weird or I'm wasting my time. You also acknowledged the one thing that I do best - talking. You guys are kind for not telling me to shut my trap outright.. for many people have done so when they don't want to hear me speak of my favourite things. I love you for inviting me to give that lecture... I really do. You made me feel smart.. which I've never felt before.

Raymond: Ah, so many words so little time. I stand by my word that I love you for your pride. Your pride in who you are and your confidence in yourself. Whether or not you really feel that does not matter for that is what you show. And that is your greatest asset. You do not let people walk all over you and as much as I poke fun at you, know that I do it all in jest. Although sometimes I want to pummel you into literal pulp, you know I love you.

Yeow Long: To this day, I always have to double check as to whether I spelt your name right. In fact, I have a suspicion that I spelt it wrong already. Although your recent topic of 'changing people' shone some light on what may be a dormant megalomaniac lying within the black holes of your being... know that it is weird, random things like that that makes you unique. And it is your unique-ness that I love. Stop saying that I "suddenly became cute", though. I've caught you doing it on two different occasions now and I'm not loving it at all. However, that also magnifies your 'uniqueness'... You're probably the only person out there who says I'm "CUTE". I'm not. And it'll be good for your physical well-being to take note of that fact.