.. Since my birthday at least. Ho-hum, pigs bum.
Surely my absence here speak volumes of the monotonous life that I now live.
Job has changed. Hair has changed. The boredom hasn't.
It's not so much boredom with my job (that aspect of my life is definitely more exciting, satisfying and rewarding now) but rather boredom with the fact that I have become one of those people I use to swear I'll never become.
A person who has become comfortable with routine.
Day in, day out, it's the same thing.
You know what this means...
This means that I indulge my loves.
My loves being loves of the materialistic persuasion.
I am now Queen of the Impulse Buyers.
(Although, my computer did take a LOT of contemplation but only because of the price)
I see clothes I like, I buy.
I see bags I like, I buy.
Do I even need to talk about SHOES?
Somehow, through the act of shopping, I feel comforted.
Yes, I believe in retail therapy.
While my Mum has long stood by the fact that WINDOW shopping comforted her, I can't be comforted by merely looking.
I need to OWN.
It's a problem, it truly is.
On a non-rambling hand, I have discovered a new side of me.
People who know me generally know that I am hardly serious or sober.
However, I've come to realise, through my classes and my teaching.. I can be the most serious and sober person when it needs to be.
I generally have a habit of drawing boundaries.
With teachers, I could never treat them as friendly as some of the peers could.
With my students however, I can talk to them as an equal (for you know, I am all for equality) but when it comes to tutorials, I find that the boundary is immediately drawn.
If people were to watch me, I don't think they'll recognise me.
Speaking of my job... I love what I'm doing now.
I wake up every morning and look forward to what will happen.
I enjoy the fact, of course, that Mike works with me which means I have company that is on the same wavelength.
But I just enjoy the fact that I can speak of my passions without people looking at me weirdly.
However, there are many around me (of the familial-persuasion) that I know do not approve of my decision.
I think, in a lot of ways, I should take it as an insult because obviously they don't think I am able to teach.
But I try not to think about it. I know what I'm doing and I know I can do it so I try to ignore.. but at times, it bothers me because nobody wants to know how I'm doing at my job and even when they ask, it's the vague-est question imaginable and the conversation usually drops after I answer.
And I can see it in their looks that they find it incredibly silly that I've decided to do this.
I should say "Suck it" but.. out of respect, I shan't.
And on another hand, when I first saw an Alienware, I swore to myself that one day, I shall own one.
I own one :)
I've never felt more proud of myself.