... is they are programmed to be prejudiced against anything with the label "MALAYSIA" on it.
Government sucks.
Politicking sucks.
Cost of living sucks.
Creativity sucks.
Originality... none present to even suck.
Hey, man.. Give us some credit.
Look harder and you'll notice that we do have originality, we do have creativity.
We just sometimes apply it differently than others.
One just needs to look harder.
Our politics are being dragged in the gutter but we do have it much better than a lot of countries.
The grass isn't always greener on the other side.
We just need to appreciate what we have.. what we don't like, we can try to change it.
The reason for this rant is tonight, with Jasmine, we watched a Chinese movie. And all of a sudden I heard Fantasia Bulan Madu (The Jacky Cheung version, as I learned from her, which was adapted from the oh-so-lovely M.Nasir written song)
I told her the original song was in Malay and she said "Not so original anymore..." (in reference to Search, I think?)
But it got me thinking about how we view our own country.
And it's not her but it reminded me of how many times in my distant and recent past have people passed immediate judgement about Malaysian artistes and artists...
It wasn't anything much but it has reached the point of normality.
People just assume that nothing original would come from our country. Especially not our musicians.
If the melodies are the same, ah, surely the Malaysians weren't the original?
Search IS one of our greatest rock bands. Known across Asia for their beautiful melodies.
We might have stolen our national anthem.. but rest assured, our musicians can come up with their own :)
And even if they don't, a famous Taiwanese group once re-sang Gackt's Vanilla and it was the most God-awful thing I've ever heard and seen.
It's not only in our land.
It's like that teenager who's parents can't do anything right.
If you get the metaphor.
[And seriously, am I the only Chinese person I know who absolutely adores Search?]