When I became an academic, I mentioned my intention to pursue my MA and eventually my PHD.
For a while now, I have dreamt of the day I have the option to add Dr. to my name and then becoming a legit professor.
Then work took over. Life happened. My 'free time' became filled up with more things that I have added for financial gain. Things that became an anchor.
Due to my consistent insomnia, I ventured into the internet to seek out my possibilities.
My dream is to study history of art and/or design in Japan.
Has been for a while because I've been in love with their rich history and culture since my father first brought home washi paper covered crafts.
After surfing through all the top universities' curriculum and just idealising what I'll study in each university, I realised that I might not be able to just up and go.
And that is weighing down on me.